Residents Association
The Maungaturoto Residents Association is a community group that meets on the first Wednesday of each month 7pm at the Maungaturoto Cenntenail Hall, everyone is most welcome
We have defined 4 major goals for the Association;
A sense of unity and identity for Maungaturoto
Sustain the economic prosperity of the town Sustain and enhance the local environment
Strengthen and support the well being of the community
What We Do
Christmas Parade and Festival
Our largest community event of the year, info under the “whats on” section
Maungaturoto Matters
The Maungaturoto Matters is a free, monthly community publication produced on behalf of the Maungaturoto Residents Association. All editing and printing is done by volunteers and can be found in various shops around town. Income from advertising is used to cover production costs; any profit is used to fund community projects. The opinions expressed in the Matters are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the Residents Association.
the Gardens of Maungaturoto
During 2012 -1013 a massive beautification took place on the main streets of Maungaturoto. Take a stroll through the main street and see the beautiful gardens from one side of town to the other, finishing at the gardens on the corner of Whaka Street. The inspiration for these gardens are Coral Reefs, bringing exotics and natives together to bring colour and texture to these lovely gardens. The gardens were built by the community and are an ongoing project